Google to Push Further into Retail?


9to5Google reports Google is planning stand-alone retail outlets in the US, if not beyond-- with hopes to open the first flagship Google Stores to customers by the holiday season.

ChromezoneAccording to "an extremely reliable source," Google wants to offer hands-on experience to its customers, just as the competition (Apple and Microsoft) already does.

Apparently Google Glass is the reason the company wants to push further into physical retail-- Google leadership believes potential customers will need to try the augmented-reality glasses before purchase. Such stores will also provide an opportunity to demonstrate upcoming Google projects (such as driverless cars), not to mention merchandise sales.

Other clues pointing towards Google take on retail include recent job postings for Point of Sale system developers.

Retail is not exactly a new sector for Google, even beyond online-- the company already has a physical retail presence in the shape of "Chromezone" stores inside 50 PCWorld and Dixons branches in the UK. However such outlets only offer Chromebooks and related accessories, and Google does not handle actual product or monetary transactions.

Go Google Will Open Own Stores by the End of the Year (