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Do You Believe Security Sells? How About Mobile Security?

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I once shipped some valuable antique oakwood panels across the Atlantic. When they were damaged in delivery to my door, I went to the insurance company and claimed for the damage based on the protection the policy I purchased.

"Ah," they said. "But you bought overseas shipping insurance..."

"Yes, I did. Here's copy of your policy."

"But, sir," they replied, handing back the policy. "You only paid for insurance while your goods were on the water. These were damaged on land after arrival. They're not covered."

Now you know how I feel about our history of personal computer security...

"But I had anti-virus protection..."

"But, sir," they replied. "You also needed anti-malware. You weren't fully covered."

And so it goes... If consumers have up-to-now been reluctant to protect their mobile phones, it's because no one has presented an all-in-one security offering.

We had to learn the hard way to protect our desktops and notebooks-- by bad experience after bad experience.

Yet history repeats itself. Our internet life is moving to the smartphone and the average mobile user fails to consider to protect their mobile VoIP and data.

The News of the World scandal made it sound like only celebrities are at risk. Mobile security incidents at Sony and Citigroup made it sound like only the biggest companies will get attacked. But that's only how crime starts: at the top.

Somewhere in Brussels Airport, if there are business people with secrets, there will be competitors willing to pay hackers to get it.

Somewhere in Munich's Hauptbahnhof, if there are tourists enjoying what the city offers, there are organized criminals looking for ways to intercept unsuspecting travelers, to hack into their mobile and WLAN networks and find a goldmine of credit card numbers, banking passwords, and other personal information.

Crime follows the money that follows the technology. The more we bring our lives and our business on-line and mobile...the more organized crime and "cybercriminals" zero in on the new opportunity to prey upon the unprotected.

Cybercriminals will hack into mobile and WLAN networks and find a goldmine of credit card numbers, banking passwords, and other personal information.

When someone buys a mobile phone, today's hackers see a large sign hanging around their neck: Now Open for Business.

Do you believe that security sells? As a reseller or distributor, you can't repeat this enough to mobile users: You Are Not Protected. You Will Be A Target.

There are plenty of dealers and distributors who have yet to take on the opportunity to join in the greatest security market ever: the personal and enterprise mobile device market.

The answer is not anti-virus (which was not even anywhere near a full solution for desktops and notebooks). No... this is a case where software downloads and apps will fail us all.

Mark Hain's company, OC Shield, is on the right track. And they are looking for distributors and channel partners across Europe "that get it," that understand how quickly the mobile security market will expand as crime follows the money trail.

What Hain provides is a virtual private network service, especially designed for mobile networks (yes, different requirements than a regular VPN). And the service comes on a scratch-card like the ones consumers already know from pay-as-go services.

OC Shield Encrypted Mobile Internet is an all-in-one mobile internet security solution for smartphones, tablet and other mobile devices. It allows users to encrypt all the data sent and received over mobile internet connection (Edge, 3G, 4G, home or corporate wifi, unsecured public hotspot) and protect it against interception, intrusions and any forms of cybercrime.

OC Shield Encrypted Mobile Internet doesn't encrypt the content stored on your smartphone's internal hardware. Instead, it encrypts all your data in transit and protects your smartphone against unauthorized access by intruders through mobile internet. Even on an unsecured public wifi connection.

OC Shield Mobile

And it provide compression as well so that users can save money by saving up to 50% of their bandwidth allowance. It also speeds up your connection as well. Security, saves, speeds up...not a bad trilogy.

"Cyber crime outpaces revenues of all security related software by 10 to 1,” says Hain. “Cybercrime is increasing and security software just can't keep up with it. You need real-time security and we're bringing an easy-to-sell, easy-to-use solution to the marketplace. And our partners make profit from making customers truly secure."

For dealers and distributors, this is easy: you set up a countertop display. You sell from the display an encrypted internet card so the user can retrieve an account number by scratching off the back of the card. The user activates their encrypted mobile internet settings in their Network Configuration. Once connected to the OC Shield Profile, their phone's data will become secure.

For business, it's even better: small and medium enterprises can afford to protect their business travelers and mobile workers.

No worry from virus, malware, phishing or other hacker attacks while on a shielded smartphone. You're selling peace of mind instead of the false hope of complete security when you buy mobile anti-virus.

It's compatible with iPhone, iPad, Android, Symbian, Windows and Web OS. And like most products, we suggest dealers and distributors try it before they sell it: OC Shield offers a free trial...

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